Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kevin Harris Introduction

Greetings Group 1!

My name is Kevin Harris and I'm excited about my next academic adventure at Boston University! I live in Suwanee, GA with my beautiful wife, three awesome children (ages 15, 12, 5), and the cutest dog in the neighborhood :-) This course happens to be my 11th course in the MSPM program. I am so excited to be in a position to actually see the finish line with two classes remaining on my journey. I earned my Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from the University of Massachusetts where I majored in Finance and Operations Management. I am a Senior Project Manager at Fiserv Corporation. I manage strategic and tactical projects & programs in support of the Electronic Banking Division. We specialize in software development for online banking and electronic bill payment.

I'm looking forward to yet another educational opportunity to discover new knowledge, develop new skills, and discovery hidden abilities within myself.

Best of luck to everyone this semester! I'll talk to everyone on the discussion boards.

P.S. I will continue to incorporate additional content into my Blog throughout the week, however, in the BU spirit of posting discussions early and often, I wanted to get the ball rollin. Stay tuned for daily content updates.

K. Harris


  1. Hi Kevin - Great Blog, I love the color. Green is soothing. When choosing the colors, I gravitated towards brown, which is one of my favorite colors but opted to deviate a little and show some life. Seems you did too. Welcome to class, like me your are nearing the end and will be glad to cross the finish line. Congrats on your lovely family and your well-earned degree. Cheers mate!


  2. Hi Kevin. Welcome to the class and congrats on almost being done with the program! I use CheckFree to pay some of my bills. I despise writing checks and otherwise having to remember to pay monthly bills. CheckFree is a great service that makes my life a little simpler! I'm looking forward to working with you throughout the course.

  3. Hi there Kevin

    There is light at the end of your tunnel for sure. Congrats on reaching the 11th milestone in your studies. When I started out with my Masters I was envious when I read postings that stated "This is my last semester", but having completed 7 of the 12, I look back and wonder where the time went.

    You deserve a GOLD medal as it it not easy being single with only a 6 month Shitzu to contend with, I cannot start to imaging what I would of been like if I had a family I had to take care of and support as well.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful family with the class and little Kaylee as well. I have a 6 month Shitzu, Micha who keeps me company day AND night!!! and does not understand study time vs play time.

    Your family must be so proud of you and you certainly appear to be a good role model for your children, by showing them that education is important.

    Good luck with this class and I look forward to further discussions and interactions during the next seven weeks.


  4. Thanks for the feedback Michelle, Kyle, and Trudy...

    I decided to go with the green background because I love the Boston Celtics Michelle...

    Kyle - Glad to hear that you are enjoying the Online Bill Payment Services of CKFR...we just rolled out a new P2P service called ZashPay...I will post about that shortly.

    Trudy - Thanks for the kind remarks. This experience has been the greatest challenge of my life bar none. My family is proud and incredibly supportive of my goals in life. I owe them big time for the sacrifices they have made which allow me to spend weekends reading, writing, and studying.

  5. Kevin, hi. Welcome to the class and congratz on nearly completing the program.... you're almost there! I like the green background on your blog, it has a very "spring-y" feel to it, and your layout was easy to follow. Also, the family pictures (and dog picture) add a nice personal touch. Well done!

    Best wishes in the course.

    Cheers, Curt
